Weight Loss with Semaglutide or Tirzepatide: Which Works Better?

Weight Loss with Semaglutide or Tirzepatide: Which Works Better?

Prescription medicines often step in like a helping hand in your weight loss journey when diet and exercise alone are not enough. Sometimes, metabolic disorders, genetic factors, or severe obesity create hurdles in your weight loss goals – which are tough to overcome with diet and exercise alone. In that case, weight loss medications act like your guides, helping you to control your appetite, boost fullness, and improve how your body processes the food you eat.

Two widely used FDA-approved prescription drugs for weight loss are Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. Semaglutide was originally developed to manage diabetes but is now prescribed for weight management in individuals with a high BMI (Body Mass Index) or weight-related health issues like Type 2 Diabetes or Hypertension. Tirzepatide, also a diabetes medication, is used for weight loss in patients with obesity or diabetes. It works on two hormones that control both blood sugar and appetite. 

Here in this blog, we are going to compare these two prescription drugs to determine which is more effective for weight loss. Let’s begin with understanding these two prescription medicines.

Understanding the Functioning of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide, originally developed for managing Type 2 Diabetes, is now often prescribed (under the brand name Wegovy) for weight loss due to its effectiveness in reducing appetite and enhancing satiety. It works by mimicking the hormone GLP-1 (Glucagon-like Peptide 1), which regulates blood sugar levels and slows down the digestion process. This semaglutide for weight loss helps people feel fuller for longer periods. This results in reduced calorie intake and weight loss. Semaglutide (Wegovy) is particularly useful for those patients who struggle to lose weight through diet and exercise alone.

|Also read: A Comprehensive Guide to 6-Week Belly Weight Loss with Wegovy |

Tirzepatide for Weight Loss

Tirzepatide works through a dual action on two hormones: GIP (Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide) and GLP-1. GIP enhances insulin release and reduces fat storage, while GLP-1 controls blood sugar and suppresses appetite. Together, they help regulate blood sugar levels and promote fullness of stomach, leading to reduced calorie intake. Tirzepatide is recommended for individuals with obesity or Type 2 Diabetes who are facing challenges to lose body weight with just diet control and physical exercise. Tirzepatide for weight loss works by slowing digestion, curbing hunger, and improving the body’s response to insulin. All this makes it an effective option for weight management and metabolic health improvement.

Clinical Results – Semaglutide vs. Tirzepatide

Clinical studies show that both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are effective for weight loss, though Tirzepatide may offer better results. In a propensity-matched cohort study involving 18,386 participants with obesity or overweight, researchers compared weight loss outcomes between new users of the two medications. 

The study observed changes in body weight at three months, six months, and one year, with an average follow-up period of 165 days. Overall, 82% of participants taking Tirzepatide achieved a weight loss of 5% or more, compared to 66.5% of those taking Semaglutide. Both medications had similar rates of gastrointestinal side effects, and slightly over 50% of participants discontinued each medication. 

While both Semaglutide and Tirzepatide have been FDA-approved for chronic weight management, this particular study highlights Tirzepatide as potentially more effective in promoting greater weight loss. These findings underscore the ongoing research into optimizing treatment for chronic weight management with these prescription medications for weight loss.

Side Effects of Semaglutide vs Tirzepatide for Weight Loss

Tirzepatide and Semaglutide have similar side effects due to their similar mechanisms. The most common side effects of these two weight loss prescription medicines are stomach-related, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, affecting over 50% of patients. These side effects can be severe but typically improve after the first few months. However, around 4% to 8% of patients discontinue the usage of these two weight loss prescription drugs due to these complications.

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are more frequent when doses are increased during the early stage of treatment. Gradually increasing the dose, as recommended by healthcare providers, can help reduce these symptoms. Both drugs rarely cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) unless combined with other medications like insulin or sulfonylureas.

Semaglutide or Tirzepatide: Which One Should You Choose for Weight Loss?

When choosing between Semaglutide and Tirzepatide for weight loss, it is important to consider your individual health needs in consultation with a board-certified weight loss consultant or doctor. What works best for others may not be ideal for you. Factors to think about include heart health—Semaglutide has shown benefits in reducing cardiovascular risks, while Tirzepatide’s studies are ongoing. While Tirzepatide may result in greater weight loss, it can also lead to more severe stomach side effects.

If injections are not preferred by you, an oral form of Semaglutide is available. Also, remember that both drugs are approved only for adults. Finally, consider the cost and insurance coverage, as many insurers may not cover these prescription medications, especially for weight loss. Always check with your obesity medicine physician or healthcare provider for more affordable and suitable options to ensure safe and effective treatment tailored to your needs.

Looking to reach your weight loss goals at a weight loss clinic located in Chicago? Get personalized, expert advice from Dr. Mona Lala, a board-certified obesity medicine specialist. Connect with her today for tailored guidance on your weight loss journey. Get in touch now to schedule an appointment for weight loss consultation!

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