Drinking alcohol in moderation:

If you’ve ever said or heard the following, “How about a drink after work?” or “Should I bring beer or wine to the party?”, or “Life is so crazy right now. I need a drink”, then you know that alcohol is deeply embedded in socialization, relaxation, and stress relief. It’s also no wonder why drinking can get out of hand. What is known about alcohol consumption is that it has significant effects on brain, cardiovascular system, GI system, and mental health. But, there are solutions to getting the support you need to MODERATE the amount of alcohol intake. Alcohol abstinence doesn’t need to be the answer for everyone. With our medical expertise and support, we will implement medications that can reduce the cravings that drive alcohol consumption. This is done without causing “withdrawal” effects if you do choose to have a drink.

Medications that will be considered include:

  • Naltrexone
  • topiramate
  • Gabapentin
  • Baclofen


If you are serious about alcohol reduction without complete elimination, please call 773-270-8223 for an appointment. Appointments can be done in-person and via telemedicine.


Naltrexone is a non-addictive opioid blocker, essentially preventing drugs like heroin or morphine from having any effect on the human body. It has been approved to treat opioid addiction since the 1980s, and turns out to have a similar effect on the endorphins your body generates when you drink.

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