Category: <span>Health</span>

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Proper Techniques To Lose Weight Tips by Dr. Mona Lala

Proper Techniques To Lose Weight Tips by Dr. Mona Lala

You’ve probably heard countless techniques to lose weight, you’ve seen the before and after photos of people who’ve drank cabbage soup for a week and lost 10 lbs, but what is the proper technique to lose weight effectively, and keep it off? Unfortunately, there is no one answer that applies to everyone. Here, at Kinetix,...

Thermic Effect Of Food By Dr. Lala

Thermic Effect Of Food By Dr. Lala

Processed versus Unprocessed   I’ve occasionally encountered patients who tell me they don’t like to cook, so they choose to eat low-fat meals or pre-packages meals. These are the same patients that are struggling with their weight. Unfortunately, our food labels don’t tell the whole story. Now, more than ever, there is added evidence that...

How can you strengthen your grit?

How can you strengthen your grit?

There is a Japanese proverb, “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” Grit is what separates those who succeed at reaching their goals, and those who don’t. The ups and downs of weight loss and gain are not unique. There is one ingredient required in permanent weight loss, and that is grit. The power to...

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