Program FAQs

First, schedule your first appointment. This appointment will last approximately 45 min-1 hour. During this appointment, Dr. Lala will go over your labs, EKG, body composition.

Prior to your first visit, you will obtain:

  • EKG
  • Blood work
  • Intake forms to be completed prior to your first appointment

Once this process is complete your Dr. Lala will have the information needed to customize a plan for you that’s safe and effective. Your medical support team will also explain what you can expect throughout the program.

Ultimately every plan is different because every patient is different. In general, however, you can expect to check in with Dr. Lala (until the doctor says otherwise) for a progress checkup.

This weekly progress checkup may include:

  • Check biometrics like percent body fat, water content, lean muscle mass, change in waist circumference, changes in weight/BMI, blood pressure and pulse.
  • Periodic blood work checks.
  • Review your compliance with supplements, water, and salt intake to ensure your continued wellbeing and success.
  • Review compliance with appropriate exercise and help you find ongoing creative ways to incorporate it into your day.
  • Review of systems including; energy levels, cravings, mood, etc.
  • Discussion of any adjustments that need to be made to ensure that you continue to move towards your healthy weight rapidly and safely.
  • Receive your next week’s meal plan—meals that truly taste good and are carefully calibrated to curb hunger, burn fat, and help you maintain lean muscle.

The best way to answer this question is to address the reasons why Kinetix patients succeed.

Safety: The hands-on supervision of a weight loss physician and team of medical experts guarantees that your safe, personalized weight loss program is right for you. Safety is a top concern for those considering the benefits of a weight loss program. Our safety protocols are directly related to our high success and retention rate.

Speed: Following safety, most Kinetix patients are concerned with the rate of weight loss—how fast they can shed unwanted body fat. What may have taken you years to gain, you can lose in weeks and months. To lose weight rapidly and safely, you need the supervision of an experienced weight loss physician.

Support: You can start a weight loss program designed to help you shed fat fast, but without expert hands-on support you will not succeed. Why? The support you receive from your Kinetix medical team goes beyond answering standard questions and provides the real time help you need to navigate social, psychological or physical plateaus. Real support means that your Kinetix medical team will be there to take immediate action and adjust your program precisely when and where you need it, ensuring that you move forward and reach your goal. In addition, your expert support team will be there to make sure you have the tools and education you need to keep the weight off long-term. No more weight loss rollercoasters.

We measure your success in 3 ways:

  • Pounds and percent bodyweight lost
  • Improvements in 3 key risk factors
  • Reduced medications tied to risk factors

Reduced Medications:

A significant number of men and women who take medication for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high sugar levels and other weight related conditions are able to reduce (or eliminate) the dosage – under a doctor’s care. This is a big step towards better health and saves you money.

Improvements for Active Living:

When you reach your healthy weight, most times you’ll experience significant improvements in mobility, digestion, energy levels, joint pain, inflammation, intimacy, and confidence. Additionally, as a result, if you take medications for any of these conditions, many times you’re able to reduce the dosage or eliminate the medication entirely.

Long term Results:

We believe your ability to maintain your new healthy weight long-term is crucial. That’s why a key component of your new program includes instructions, education, and support (whenever you need it) to keep the weight off long-term – once and for all. Starting out, you can be confident that you’ll lose the weight and you’ll be prepared to keep it off. It’s easier than you may think. Bottom line: You’re in control now.

The answer is both.

Traditionally, weight loss plans attract mostly women ages 35-55. With Kinetix; Men and women – ages 18 to over 80 years of age – have success.

Both men and women tell us they’re more comfortable discussing weight (health) issue with a doctor in a private office setting rather than online or in a group.

Both men and women also tell us the medical supervision takes the stress out of choosing a plan and guessing whether or not the program will work for them.

No, if you need to lose just a few pounds or 100 pounds, Dr. Lala will provide you a customized plan to achieve your weight loss goal and optimize your health.

Yes, if Dr. Lala determines Kinetix will work for you—and you choose to enroll and follow your custom plan—you can expect to achieve your desired results. However, individual results vary and there are no guarantees.

This program is effective because it’s custom tailored to your unique body chemistry, lifestyle, and goals. Dr. Lala will design a personal plan crafted to help you lose weight rapidly and safely.

Dr. Lala will adjust your personal plan in response to possible physical or psychological plateaus. It’s this timely personal support that makes the difference. You must include all of these elements, to be successful.

Schedule a consultation today or learn more here.

General FAQs

You’re not alone on this journey. After you reach your goal weight on the Kinetix  plan, we will maintain open communication—and an open door policy—as you enter the weight maintenance phase. We will teach you how to keep the weight off. It’s easier than you may think. The beauty of Kinetix is that we’re local; you can visit us if you start to struggle, and together we can quickly get you back on track. Your relationship with your Kinetix physician and medical team puts you in control of your weight from start to finish.

Behavior modification at its core is the process by which we learn what behaviors contribute to our struggle with weight and how we can change those behaviors. We pride ourselves in providing you with realistic and clear solutions to shift you away from behaviors that prevent you from maintaining a healthy weight. Those behaviors may include: your relationship with food, lifestyle habits, environmental habits, and emotional barriers. In essence, behavioral counseling is the learning process by which we teach you to maintain a healthy weight.

Dr. Lala is a board-certified physician who is dedicated to improving patients’ health through weight loss. She has created a safe and effective weight loss protocol and follow the highest standard of medical care and attention. She is  passionate about helping you lose the weight, providing expert level support whenever you need it, and teaching you how to keep the weight off long-term.

No. This proprietary program is a nonsurgical approach to weight loss and weight maintenance. However, you may enroll in the program to optimize your pre-operative weight loss prior to surgery, post-operative weight management ongoing nutritional counseling, support, accountability, and nutrient monitoring.

  • Individuals who are getting ready for bariatric surgery
  • Those who need post-operative weight management care
  • Services include ongoing nutritional counseling, accountability and support, monitoring for nutritional deficiencies, and use of FDA-approved medications when appropriate

Dr Lala provides a nonsurgical “medical treatment” that must be supervised by a physician or qualified medical professional. In addition, there are medical conditions that contribute to weight struggles. Only a physician and trained medical experts are qualified to effectively treat those medical conditions.

Absolutely –  moreover, Dr. Lala will be happy to work with your primary care physician and keep your physician up to date with your progress.

Most people do not need to take weight loss medication, but some patients benefit from FDA approved appetite suppressants. You and your doctor can discuss whether they are useful in your particular case.

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