Author: Mona Lala, MD (Mona Lala, MD)

Home Mona Lala, MD
How to Succeed on the Keto Diet

How to Succeed on the Keto Diet

The keto diet is all the rage these days, and it’s no wonder why. This high-fat, low-carbohydrate way of eating can help you lose weight quickly and effectively. But living the keto lifestyle is not without its challenges. If you’re thinking of going keto, or are already on the diet and struggling to stick to...

New Trends in Medical Treatment for Obesity

New Trends in Medical Treatment for Obesity

In the United States, the number of obese adults has been rising steadily for the past few decades. As of 2016, nearly 40% of American adults were obese, and the trend shows no signs of abating. This increase in obesity has led to a corresponding increase in obesity-related health problems such as type II diabetes,...

Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight

Being overweight can lead to a whole host of health problems, from heart disease and diabetes to joint pain and respiratory difficulties. Losing weight can seem like an uphill battle, but it is possible to shed those extra pounds by making some simple changes to your diet, and with winter almost here, you can enjoy...

4 Ways to Promote Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn’t

4 Ways to Promote Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn’t

As of 2017, 65% of American adults are considered to be overweight. That number is expected to rise. Given these statistics, it’s no wonder that so many people are trying to lose weight and keep it off. There are numerous ways to promote weight loss that are backed by science and clinical research. If you’re...

Intermittent Fasting: A Worthy Lifestyle Option or Just Another Fad

Intermittent Fasting: A Worthy Lifestyle Option or Just Another Fad

The weight loss benefits of intermittent fasting are well-documented. In fact, this type of diet is more effective for weight loss than traditional low-carb diets. Intermittent fasting is a type of diet that involves eating patterns that alternate between periods of fasting and periods of eating. There are several different ways to do intermittent fasting,...

Not Losing Weight? Your Hormones Could be the Culprit

Not Losing Weight? Your Hormones Could be the Culprit

Weight loss is difficult. That is not new information. What I find repeatedly is patients believing that they have free will over their weight loss progress. That they can just decide to change their eating habits, and that it is simply willpower that will unlock their success. I am here to tell you that this...

3 Reasons It Is Harder to Lose Weight As We Age

3 Reasons It Is Harder to Lose Weight As We Age

It’s true, as we age it becomes harder and harder to lose or maintain weight. Sure, we have all heard that our metabolism changes as we age, but what does that actually mean, and what can you do to counteract that? 1. Reduced Muscle Mass: First, as we age, we experience age-related muscle loss, called...

How to Reconnect During This Stressful Time

How to Reconnect During This Stressful Time

I recently read a quote from Albert Einstein that resonated with me. “In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.” There are so many stressors in our world right now — health concerns, job uncertainty, education shifts and lots of time in social isolation. These stressors spill into other aspects of our lives, and...

How to Eat Without Waste during a Self-Quarantine

How to Eat Without Waste during a Self-Quarantine

Keeping the nutrition on point can assist you to feel stronger, staying positive, achieving restful sleep, and keeping up a strong immune system, all of which leads to resilience. Staying put at home for an extended period is tough, and can lead to relaxed eating behaviors. During our period of sheltering-in-place, the simple first step...

Willpower vs Strategies for Success – Weight Loss

Willpower vs Strategies for Success – Weight Loss

Too often we depend on our willpower to overcome frequent temptation, but unfortunately, you will not reach your health goals if you rely on exerting enough willpower. A Cornell study found that participants estimated they made an average of 15 food choices a day. What was found was that we make an average of 221...

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