Category: <span>Advice</span>

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3 Reasons It Is Harder to Lose Weight As We Age

3 Reasons It Is Harder to Lose Weight As We Age

It’s true, as we age it becomes harder and harder to lose or maintain weight. Sure, we have all heard that our metabolism changes as we age, but what does that actually mean, and what can you do to counteract that? 1. Reduced Muscle Mass: First, as we age, we experience age-related muscle loss, called...

How to Reconnect During This Stressful Time

How to Reconnect During This Stressful Time

I recently read a quote from Albert Einstein that resonated with me. “In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.” There are so many stressors in our world right now — health concerns, job uncertainty, education shifts and lots of time in social isolation. These stressors spill into other aspects of our lives, and...

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