4 Ways to Promote Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn’t

4 Ways to Promote Weight Loss: What Works, What Doesn’t

As of 2017, 65% of American adults are considered to be overweight. That number is expected to rise. Given these statistics, it’s no wonder that so many people are trying to lose weight and keep it off. There are numerous ways to promote weight loss that are backed by science and clinical research. If you’re ready to ditch the fads and focus on lasting results, this article will provide you with helpful tips for promoting weight loss.

Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet

Your diet has a huge impact on your ability to lose weight. That’s why many experts recommend that you focus on eating a healthy, well-balanced diet before you even think about working out or trying any supplements or diet pills. When it comes to promoting weight loss, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet means consuming fewer calories than your body burns each day. Depending on your body type and your daily activities, you’ll need to consume anywhere between 1200 and 1600 calories per day to promote weight loss depending on your resting metabolism. When it comes to eating healthy, you don’t need to follow an extremely strict diet. Instead, focus on including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and high-fat dairy products.

Exercise regularly

Exercise has countless health benefits, including improving your mood, promoting stronger bones, and helping you get a better night’s sleep. It also happens to be one of the best ways to promote weight loss. When you exercise regularly, you raise your metabolic rate, which means that you burn more calories when you’re at rest. The more you exercise, the higher your metabolic rate, which means that you burn more calories even while you’re doing other activities. In addition to helping you promote weight loss, exercise can also improve your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reduce your risk of certain types of cancer, and strengthen your muscles and joints.

Jumpstart your weight loss with intermittent fasting

One way to promote weight loss that isn’t related to your diet or exercise routine is to jumpstart your weight loss with intermittent fasting. This means consuming no calories for a short period each week. Intermittent fasting has been shown to promote weight loss in a variety of populations and in individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher. Fasting can be a bit intimidating at first, but there are a few different ways to approach it. You can skip one or two meals per week, eat one large meal at the end of the day, or eat three smaller meals throughout the day and avoid eating after 8 p.m. Are you ready to jumpstart your weight loss and boost your health with intermittent fasting?

Use weight training to build muscle and burn fat

While aerobic exercises like running and swimming are excellent ways to promote weight loss, you can also promote weight loss by building muscle and burning fat. When you build muscle and burn fat at the same time, you’re promoting what’s known as “synergistic fat loss.” Your muscles are burning calories at a higher rate, and you’re also burning more fat with your aerobic exercises. One of the best ways to build muscle and burn fat is through weight training. This involves lifting heavy weights (at least three times per week) to strengthen your muscles. Research suggests that when combined with a healthy, well-balanced diet, moderate aerobic exercise, and resistance training, you can promote significant weight loss.

Manage your stress to promote weight loss

Another way to promote weight loss that isn’t related to your diet or exercise routine is to manage your stress levels. Stress has been linked to obesity in a number of studies, and many experts believe that it can be a significant barrier to weight loss. While there are many different ways to manage stress, it’s important to find what works best for you. Some people find that exercise is a helpful outlet for stress. Others prefer to meditate or go for a walk.


Weight loss is a challenging process, but it’s not an impossible feat. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing your stress levels are just a few of the ways you can promote weight loss. If you’re ready to ditch the fads and focus on lasting results, these tips can help you on your journey to a healthier and happier life.

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